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导师姓名: 敬国兴

导师职称: 教授

电子邮箱: xing810810@163.com

办 公 室: 生食工楼


        敬国兴,食品科学专业博士(工学),教授/博士生导师,韶峰学者学骨干。研究方向为食品质量与安全,主要涉及食品(主要为果蔬)中真菌毒素合成、降解调控及机理;利用离子迁移谱-质谱等仪器分析及检测食品贮藏过程中的有害病菌及物质,并利用实验操作、理论计算等手段阐明上述研究机理。先后主持国家自然科学基金2项(31871858,31301581),主持中国博士后面上一等资助项目1项、主持湖南省自然科学基金1项、主持湖南省教育厅基金1项、主持湘潭大学博士科研启动项目1项。先后作为第一作者或主要参与者在Food Chemistry、Industrial Crops and Products、Postharvest Biology and Technology、Food Reviews International等刊物发表学术研究论文20余篇,申请专利8项。曾作为湘潭市科技特派员多次为对接企业解决实际生产难题,为企业创造了一定的经济效益。




















Jing, G., Wang, Y., Wu, M., Liu, W., Xiong, S., Yu, J., ... & Jiang, Y. (2023). Photocatalytic Degradation and Pathway from Mycotoxins in Food: A Review. Food Reviews International, 1-17.

Cao, W., Liu, M., Wang, C., Jing, G., & Cao, Y. (2022). Influences of repeated exposure to low levels of TiO2 nanoparticles on Kruppel‐like factors in 3D Caco‐2 spheroids and mouse intestines. Journal of Applied Toxicology.

Xu, L., Tao, N., Yang, W., & Jing, G. (2018). Cinnamaldehyde damaged the cell membrane of Alternaria alternata and induced the degradation of mycotoxins in vivo. Industrial Crops and Products, 112, 427-433.

Yu, J., Jing, G., Li, W., Liu, W., Okonkwo, J. N., Liu, W., & Hill Jr, H. H. (2020). Simulating, Predicting, and Minimizing False Peaks for Hadamard Transform Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 31(9), 1957-1964.

Liu, H., Jing, G.*, Jiang, Y., Luo, F., & Li, Z. (2017). The effect of carbamic acid,(1, 2, 3-thiadiazole-4-ylcarbonyl)-hexyl ester on Peronophythora litchii infection, quality and physiology of postharvest litchi fruits. Chemistry Central Journal, 11.

Jing G, Tao N, Jia L, et al. Influence of α-terpineol on the growth and morphogenesis of Penicillium digitatum[J]. Botanical Studies, 2015, 56(1): 1.

Guoxing Jing, Taotao Li, Hongxia Qu, Ze Yun, Yongxia Jia, Xiaolin Zheng, Yueming Jiang*, 2015, Carotenoids and volatile profiles of yellow- and red-fleshed papaya fruit in relation to the expression of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase genes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 109: 114-119

Shiju Zheng, Guoxing Jing*, Xiao Wang, Qiuli Ouyang, Lei Jia, Nengguo Tao*, 2015. Citral exerts its antifungal activity against Penicillium digitatum by affecting the mitochondrial morphology and function. Food Chemistry, 178: 76-81.

Jing G.Huang H., Yang B., Li J., Zheng X., Jiang Y.*, 2013. Effect of pyrogallol on the physiology and biochemistry of litchi fruit during storage. Chemistry Central Journal, 7, 19.

Xiaolin Zheng*, Guoxing Jing, Yan Liu, Tianjia Jiang, Yueming Jiang, Jianrong Li, 2012. Expression of expansin gene, MiExpA1, and activity of galactosidase and polygalacturonase in mango fruit as affected by oxalic acid during storage at room temperature, Food Chemistry, 132: 849-854.

OuYang, Q., Tao, N., & Jing, G. (2016). Transcriptional profiling analysis of Penicillium digitatum, the causal agent of citrus green mold, unravels an inhibited ergosterol biosynthesis pathway in response to citral. BMC genomics, 17(1), 599.

Hua Huang,Guoxing Jing, Bao Yang, Xuewu Duan, Yueming Jiang*, 2013. Effect of oxalic acid on ripening attributes of banana fruit during storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 84: 22-27.

Huang H., Jing G., Wang H., Duan X., Qu H., Jiang Y*, 2014. The combined effects of phenylurea and gibberellins on quality maintenance and shelf life extension of banana fruit during storage. Scientia Horticulturae, 167: 36-42.

Wu, Y., Duan, X., Jing, G., OuYang, Q., & Tao, N. (2017). Cinnamaldehyde inhibits the mycelial growth of Geotrichum citri-aurantii and induces defense responses against sour rot in citrus fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 129, 23-28.

Tang, X., Ouyang, Q., Jing, G., Shao, X., & Tao, N. (2018). Antifungal mechanism of sodium dehydroacetate against Geotrichum citri-aurantii. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 34(2), 29.

Duan, X., OuYang, Q., Jing, G., & Tao, N. (2016). Effect of sodium dehydroacetate on the development of sour rot on Satsuma mandarin. Food Control, 65, 8-13.

刘淼,陶能国,许灵春,吴育藩,杨文蒿, &敬国兴. (2019).柠檬醛对酸腐菌线粒体形态和功能的影响.食品科学, 17.

刘淼,许灵春,敬国兴,杨文蒿, &吴育藩. (2018).肉桂醛对链格孢菌生长及非寄主选择性毒素合成的影响.食品安全质量检测学报, 9(22), 5851-5857.

许灵春,杨文蒿,孙和龙,窦诗雯,敬国兴.一株产毒素葡萄链格孢菌的分离及鉴定[J].湘潭大学自然科学学报, 2017 (2017年02): 49-54.

(1, 2, 3-噻重氮-4-羰基)-氨基甲酸己酯在制备水果保鲜剂中的应用及水果保鲜剂和保鲜方法,ZL201610888219.9,发明专利


一种利用米曲霉PC2胞内酶体外降解交链孢酚单甲醚的方法,202210259555 .2,发明专利

一种海泡石/精油复合材料对葡萄采后链格孢防治的方法, 2018116092590, 发明专利

