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博士,二级教授,博士生导师,K8凯发官方网站副院长,湖南省青年骨干教师(2010年度),湘潭大学学术委员会成员(2014-2017,2017-2020),湘潭大学韶峰学者特岗计划学科带头人,湘潭大学食品科学与工程一级学科硕士点和食品科学与工程专业(国家一流本科专业)负责人,湘潭大学优秀教师。国家自然科学基金、科技部创新基金、博士后科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、河北省自然科学基金等通讯评审专家。先后主持国家自然科学基金5项(3217225331772364,31572172,31271964,30901010)、国际科学基金(IFS1项(F4589-1)、湖南省自然科学基金2项(2017JJ2247,08JJ6020)、湖南省教育厅重点项目1(15A181),湖南省教育厅青年项目1(12B126)、湖南省科技厅计划项目1(2012FJ3114)等,在Food ChemistryFood Control,Postharvest Biology and Technology等杂志发表第1作者(含通讯作者)SCI论文50多篇,申请国家发明专利6项,已授权2项,获浙江省自然科学二等奖(排名第二)、湖南省教学成果一等奖(排名第六)和湘潭大学教学成果二等奖(排名第一)各1项。


 1. 柑橘贮藏与保鲜
         2. 植物源杀菌剂研制与应用
          3. 果蔬加工。


[1]. 国家自然科学基金(32172253):枯茗醛抑制柑橘指状青霉的作用机制解析,2022-202558万元;

[2]. 国家自然科学基金(31772364):萜类物质影响指状青霉麦角固醇合成的分子机制解析,2018-202155 万元;

[3]. 国家自然科学基金31572172):柠檬烯诱导指状青霉孢子萌发的作用机制,2016-201970.8 万元;

[4]. 国家自然科学基金(31271964):柠檬醛抑制柑橘采后绿霉的作用机制,2013-201682 万元;

[5]. 国家自然科学基金(30901010):柑橘果实类胡萝卜素采后生物合成的分子机制研究,2010-201222 万元;

[6]. 湖南省重点研发计划项目(2021NK2014):果蔬采后商品化处理及绿色贮运保鲜技术研究与示范,2021-2023,子项目负责人,10万元;

[7]. 湖南省自然科学基金(2021JJ30666):肉桂醛诱导柑橘果实抗性产生的机制解析,2021-20235万元;

[8]. 广东省应用植物学重点实验室开放课题(AB202109):肉桂醛诱导柑橘果实抗酸腐病的机制解析,2021-20236万元;

[9]. 湖南省教育厅重点项目(19A476):湘西柑绿色防腐保鲜剂的筛选与应用研究,2019-20218 万元;

[10]. 湖南省自然科学基金(2017JJ2247):萜类物质对指状青霉麦角固醇合成的影响及作用机制),2017-20195 万元;

[11]. 湖南省教育厅重点项目(15A181):萜烯烃类诱导柑橘采后绿霉发生的机制解析,2015-20178 万元;

[12]. 湖南省教育厅青年项目(12B126): 柠檬醛抑制柑橘采后青霉和绿霉的作用机制,2012-20145 万元;

[13]. 湖南省科技计划项目(2012FJ3114:莲子壳固态发酵产饲用复合酶的研究,2012-20132 万元;

[14]. 瑞典国际科学基金(F/4589-1):Carotenogenisis during fruit ripening of Lycium barbarum2008-20106.3 万元(湘潭大学唯一一个);

[15]. 湖南省自然科学基金(08JJ6020):超量表达柑橘 PSY 基因提高枸杞果实类胡萝卜素含量,2008-20102 万元。


[1]. Duan B, Tan XL, Long JR, Ouyang QL, Zhang YH, Tao NG*. Integrated transcriptomic-metabolomic analysis reveals that cinnamaldehyde exposure positively regulates the phenylpropanoid pathway in postharvest Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2023, 189: 105312 (SCI)

[2]. Che JX, Pan F, Chen XM*, Zhang YH, Tao NG*, Fu YS. Screening of oxygenated aromatic compounds for potential antifungal activity against Geotrichum citri-aurantii through structure-activity relationship analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70 (42): 13787-13795 (SCI)

[3]. Reymick OO, Liu DZ, Cheng Y, Ouyang QL, Tao NG*. Cuminaldehyde-induced oxidative stress inhibits growth of Penicillium digitatum in citrus. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 192: 111991 (SCI)

[4]. Tan XL, Long CY, Meng KX, Shen XM, Wang ZT, Li L, Tao NG*. Transcriptome sequencing reveals an inhibitory mechanism of Penicillium digitatum by sodium dehydroacetate on citrus fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 188: 111898 (SCI)

[5]. Zhang YH, OuYang QL, Duan B, Reymick OO, Chen Y, Tan YZ, Zhu XR, Su DL, Li GY, Tao NG*. Trans-2-hexenal/β-cyclodextrin effectively reduces green mold in citrus fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 187: 111871 (SCI)

[6]. Che JX, Chen KQ, Song JR, Tu Y, Reymick OO, Chen XM*, Tao NG*. Fabrication of γ-cyclodextrin-based metal-organic frameworks as a carrier of cinnamaldehyde and its application in fresh-cut cantaloupes. Current Research in Food Science, 2022, 5: 2114-2124 (SCI)

[7]. Zhang YH, Tan YZ, Reymick, OO, OuYang QL, Tao NG*. γ-Cyclodextrin-encapsulated cinnamaldehyde for citrus preservation and its potential mechanisms against Penicillium digitatum. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8 (11): 1199 (SCI)

[8]. OuYang QL, Liu Y, Reymick OO, Zhang ML, Shao XF, Tao NG*. Citronellal exerts its antifungal activity by targeting ergosterol biosynthesis in Penicillium digitatum. Journal of Fungi, 2021, 7(6): 432 (SCI)

[9]. Duan B, Gao Z, Reymick OO, Ouyang QL, Chen Y, Long CY, Yang B*, Tao NG*. Cinnamaldehyde promotes the defense response in postharvest citrus fruit inoculated with Penicillium digitatum and Geotrichum citri-aurantii. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2021, 179: 104976 (SCI)

[10]. OuYang QL, Okwong RO, Chen YP, Tao NG*. Synergistic activity of cinnamaldehyde and citronellal against green mold in citrus fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2020, 162: 111095(SCI)

[11]. Che JX, Chen Y, Wu YL, Li L, Tao NG*. Metabolomics analysis reveals that myrcene stimulates the spore germination of Penicillium digitatum via the upregulation of central carbon and energy metabolism. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2020, 170: 111329 (SCI)

[12]. Tao NG*, Chen Y, Wu YL, Wang X, Li L, Zhu AD*. The terpene limonene induced the green mold of citrus fruit through regulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis in Penicillium digitatum spores. Food Chemistry, 2019, 277: 414-422(SCI)

[13]. OuYang QL, Duan XF, Li L, Tao NG*. Cinnamaldehyde exerts its antifungal activity by disrupting the cell wall integrity of Geotrichum citri-aurantii. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 55(SCI)

[14]. Xin ZT, OuYang QL, Wan CP*, Che JX, Li L, Chen JY, Tao NG*. Isolation of antofine from Cynanchum atratum BUNGE (Asclepiadaceae) and its antifungal activity against Penicillium digitatum. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2019, 157: 110961(SCI)

[15]. Li L, Tang X, Ouyang QL, Tao NG*. Combination of sodium dehydroacetate and sodium silicate reduces sour rot of citrus fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2019, 151: 19-25(SCI)

[16]. OuYang QL, Tao NG*, Zhang ML. A damaged oxidative phosphorylation mechanism is involved in the antifungal activity of citral against Penicillium digitatum. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9: 239 (SCI)

[17]. Dou SW, Ouyang QL, You KY, Qian JJ, Tao NG*. An inclusion complex of thymol into β-cyclodextrin and its antifungal activity against Geotrichum citri-aurantii. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2018, 138: 31-36 (SCI)

[18]. Duan XF, OuYang QL, Tao NG*. Effect of applying cinnamaldehyde incorporated in wax on green mold decay in Citrus fruits. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2018, 98(2): 527-533 (SCI)

[19]. Wu YL, Duan XF, Ouyang QL, Jing GX, Tao NG*. Cinnamaldehyde inhibits the mycelial growth of Geotrichum citri-aurantii and induces defense responses against sour rot in citrus fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2017, 129: 23-28(SCI)

[20]. Ouyang QL,Jing GX, Tao NG*. Transcriptional profiling analysis of Penicillium digitatum, the causal agent of citrus green mold, unravels an inhibited ergosterol biosynthesis pathway in response to citral. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17: 599 (SCI)

[21]. Duan XF, Jing GX, Fan F, Tao NG*. Control of postharvest green and blue molds of citrus fruit by application of sodium dehydroacetate. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2016, 113: 17-19 (SCI)

[22]. Duan XF, OuYang QL, Jing GX, Tao NG*. Effect of sodium dehydroacetate on the development of sour rot on Satsuma mandarin. Food Control, 2016, 65: 8-13(SCI)

[23]. Zheng SJ, Jing GX*, Wang X, Ouyang QL, Jia L, Tao NG*. Citral exerts its antifungal activity against Penicillium digitatum by affecting the mitochondrial morphology and function. Food Chemistry, 2015,178: 76-81(SCI)

[24]. Tao NG*, Jia L, Zhou HE. Anti-fungal activity of Citrus reticulata Blanco essential oil against Penicillium italicum and Penicillium digitatum. Food Chemistry, 2014,153: 265-271 (SCI, ESI 高被引论文)

[25]. Fan F, Tao NG*, Jia L, He XL. Use of citral incorporated in postharvest wax of citrus fruit as a botanical fungicide against Penicillium digitatum. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2014, 90: 52-55 (SCI)

[26]. Tao NG*, Fan F, Jia L, Zhang ML. Octanal incorporated in postharvest wax of Satsuma mandarin fruit as a botanical fungicide against Penicillium digitatum. Food Control, 2014, 45: 56-61(SCI)

[27]. Tao NG*, Oyang QL, Jia L. Citral inhibits mycelial growth of Penicillium italicum by a membrane damage mechanism. Food Control, 2014, 41: 116-121(SCI)

[28]. Zhou HE, Tao NG*, Jia L. Antifungal activity of citral, octanal and α-terpineol against Geotrichum citri-aurantii. Food Control, 2014, 37: 277-283 (SCI)

[29]. Tao NG*, Wang CF, Xu J, Cheng YJ. Carotenoid accumulation in postharvest ‘‘Cara Cara’’navel orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) fruits stored at different temperatures was transcriptionally regulated in a tissue-dependent manner. Plant Cell Reports, 2012, 31(9): 1667-1676(SCI)

[30]. 谭元珍,张永华,朱向荣,苏东林,李高阳,陶能国*. 反式-2-己烯醛环糊精包合物的制备及对柑橘绿霉病的抑制作用. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(23): 282-289 (EI)

[31]. 谭小丽,龙春燕,李路,陶能国*. 脱氢乙酸钠抑制指状青霉的作用机制. 食品科学, 2022, 43(23): 19-26 (EI)

[32]. 欧阳秋丽,刘洋梅,陈悦,陶能国*. α-松油醇对指状青霉抑霉唑抗性菌株Pdw03的抑制作用. 食品科学, 2022, 43(7): 8-13 (EI)

[33]. 李路,李蔚,车金鑫,欧阳秋丽,陶能国*. p-茴香醛抑制柑橘酸腐病菌的作用机制. 食品科学, 2020, 41(9): 133-138 (EI)

[34]. 欧阳秋丽,贾雷,陶能国*. 柠檬醛对指状青霉菌丝体膜脂过氧化的影响. 食品科学, 2016, 37(23): 32-37 (EI)

[35]. 陶能国*,郑世菊,敬国兴,王笑. 柠檬醛对指状青霉糖酵解的影响. 现代食品科技, 2015, 31(12): 172-176 (EI)

[36]. 陶能国*,段小芳,凡凤,黄师荣. 柠檬醛和辛醛混合物对指状青霉的抑制作用,现代食品科技, 2015, 31(6): 73-77 (EI)

[37]. 陶能国,李路,汤旭,欧阳秋丽,车金鑫. 一种防腐保鲜液及其在柑橘果实防腐保鲜中的应用. 国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201810760626.0,授权日期:20223 25

[38]. 陶能国,朱晨,陈秀梅,盛盈颖,杨冰. 一种保鲜气垫及保鲜容器. 实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202121516466.9,授权日期:2022 2 22

[39]. 陶能国,段小芳,敬国兴,黄师荣,欧阳秋丽. 一种采后柑橘防腐保鲜的方法. 国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201510294674.1,授权日期:2018123