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        陈秀梅,女,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,2018年12月毕业于西北农林科技大学,获工学博士学位,2019年1月入职于K8凯发官方网站生物与食品工程系;主要从事农产品贮藏与加工研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金和湖南省教育厅项目各1项,湘潭大学博士科研启动项目1项,参与横向项目4项等;在Journal of agricultural and food chemistryCurrent research in food scienceFood chemistry:XChemosphere,食品科学等SCI\EI期刊发表论文多篇,专利1项;作为指导教师之一带队本专业本科生参加全国食品专业工程实践训练综合能力竞赛,分别获得国家特等奖及一等奖等荣誉以及优秀指导教师称号;获得湘潭大学教学成果二等奖1项(排名第三)。






1.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(No. 32302183),在研,主持;

2.湖南省教育厅一般项目(No. 22C0060),在研,主持;




1.Chen XM, Sheng YY, Che JX*, Reymick OO,Tao NG*.Integration of covalent organic frameworks and molecularly imprinted polymers for selective extraction of flavonoid naringenin from grapefruit (Citrus × paradisi Macf.) peels,Food Chemistry:X,2024, 21, 101107

2. Che JX, Pan F,Chen XM*, Zhang YH,Tao NG*, Fu YS. Screening of oxygenated aromatic compounds for potential antifungal activity againstGeotrichum citri-aurantiithrough structure-activity relationship analysis.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70 (42): 13787-13795

3. Che JX, Chen KQ, Song JR, Tu Y, Reymick OO,Chen XM*,Tao NG*. Fabrication ofγ-cyclodextrin-based metal-organic frameworks as a carrier of cinnamaldehyde and its application in fresh-cut cantaloupes.Current Research in Food Science, 2022, 5: 2114-2124

4. Wang LY, Shen XM,Chen XM, Ouyang QL,Tan XL* and Tao Neng-guo*. Exogenous Application of Melatonin to Green Horn Pepper Fruit Reduces Chilling Injury During Postharvest Cold Storage by Regulating Enzymatic Activities in the Antioxidant System.Plants (Basel), 2022, 11: 2367.

5. Che JX,Chen XM, Ouyang QL, Tao NG*.p-Anisaldehyde exerts its antifungal activity againstPenicillium digitatumandPenicillium italicumby disrupting the cell wall integrity and membrane permeability.Journal of microbiology and biotechnology.2020.30(6): 878-884

6. Luo XL, Han Y,Chen XM, Tang WZ, Yue TL, Li ZH*, Carbon dots derived fluorescent nanosensors as versatile tools for food quality and safety assessment: a review,Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2020, 95, 149-161.

7. Han Y, Shi LM, Luo XL,Chen XM, Yang WX, Tang WZ, Wang JL, Yue TL, Li ZH*. A signal-on fluorescent sensor for ultra-trace detection of Hg2+via Ag+mediated sulfhydryl functionalized carbon dots,Carbon, 2019, 149, 355-363

8. Luo XL, Zhang WG, Han Y,Chen XM, Zhu L, Tang WZ, Wang JL, Yue TL, Li ZH*. N,S co-doped carbon dots based “on-off-on” switchable fluorescent sensor for determination of ascorbic acid in common fruits,Food Chemistry, 2018, 258, 214-221.

9.Chen XM, Zhang WG, Luo XL, Zhao F, Li YX, Li RH, Li ZH*. Efficient removal and environmentally benign detoxification of Cr(VI) in aqueous solutions by Zr(IV) cross-linking chitosan magnetic microspheres,Chemosphere, 2017, 185, 991-1000

10. Zhang WG, Han Y,Chen XM, Luo XL, Wang JL, Yue TL, Li ZH*. Surface molecularly imprinted polymer capped Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots as a phosphorescent nanosensor for detecting patulin in apple juice,Food Chemistry, 2017, 232, 145-154.

11.陈秀梅,盛盈颖,陶能国*,车金鑫*.羧甲基纤维素/锆基金属有机框架复合气凝胶脱除椪柑酒特征苦味物质.食品科学, 2022, 43(22): 317-324

